My mom, Joseph and I went to The Ritz Carlton for the Canadian Screen Awards. Joseph was invited by his friend Rob Chandler, who was nominated for Best Editor in 2015 and 2016 and will work with Joseph on his movies, and edited Mayday: Air Crash Investigation. At around 6:00, Joseph and Rob with up to attend the gala, as my mom and I were not invited, we stayed at the bar and waited. About half and hour later, we decided to check out the gala, just to look around and when we were up there, we meet some people from a show I was an extra on called Odd Squad. We chatted with them a little bit then, I noticed that the volunteers who were guarding the entrance to the gala where gone.
So, I gave my coat to the coat check and my mum and I just walked right in. We grabbed a drink and looked around for Joseph and Rob, but we got a text from Joseph saying that he is downstairs and is looking for us, so my mum texted back and said that we're already in. We walked around some more while waiting for Joseph to find us and then I for a cardboard cutout of Howie Mandel as he will be hosting the Canadian Screen Awards on Sunday which I will be attending. We finally met Joseph and Rob after talk to the director of Odd Squad. We then met Paul Sun-Hyung Lee from Kim's Convenience and Helene Joy from Murdoch Mysteries. After the gala, we walked around Queen Street and I did some hardcore parkour. We said goodbye to Rob and then we ended up at the Scotia Bank Theatre so we decided to watch the movie Logan with Hugh Jackman which I found was the worst Marvel movie ever.
We left Logan (so boring) and then we said goodbye to Joseph and we went back to the condo. And The End.
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